Practical Information about Margarita Island

Traveling to the beautiful Island of Margarita can represent several challenges: what currency to use and how to pay, how to get there, and how to get around are some of them. There is not much up-to-date information available and sometimes it is difficult to get the information from abroad. We have made an effort to provide the information you need to start planning your trip to Isla Margarita.

Learn more about Isla Margarita in this section of general information about the geography, climate, economy and population of Isla Margarita.

Getting to Isla Margarita can be a challenge, either for foreigners and Venezuelans who come by plane or if they come by ferry. In this section we provide detailed information on how to get to Casa Maya, whether from abroad, from Caracas, by plane or by ferry.

As a tourist there are different ways to get around Isla Margarita. The cost varies quite a bit and so does the level of patience required. Discover the options and their challenges and choose the one that suits you best.

Learn how you can pay in Isla Margarita and in what currency. What are the most common forms of payment, and should you carry a lot of cash in dollars? Here we answer your questions about money and ways to pay for your purchases.

Isla Margarita offers a delicious and varied culinary panorama, but the specialty for being an island is fish and shellfish. Find more information and photos about the typical and most popular dishes and drinks that you could find on the island.